notes from a middle school spanish teacher

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

Bienvenidos (Welcome)!

My name is Mrs. Sudduth (Señora Sudduth or Profe Sudduth to you!) and this is my 13th year of teaching Spanish in Franklin. I also teach (currently) Spanish 2 and 3 at the high school. I start my day at the HS and then am here in the afternoons. I live in Bargersville with my husband and 8 year old daughter, Kendalyn, who is entering 3rd grade this year in CG Schools. We have 2 cats-- one old lady cat, Mocha, who is 15 and Ash, who is one. 

I'm excited to start this year with you and help you embark on a Spanish learning journey. My hope for you this year is that you learn some basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar- leading to sentence formation- in able to give you confidence to continue to the next level. By no means will you be fluent by the end of this course, but the goal is to practice and grow in all areas of language: reading, listening, writing and speaking. We also will take a little "tour" around central America, the Caribbean and Spain to expand your cultural knowledge and geography skills. Understanding where people live helps you understand how people live.

This level of Spanish will be different from the introduction to world language class that you took last year. This is a two semester class and will count towards your high school GPA. You must earn a C- (70%) or better each semester to move on to Spanish 2 next year. The best way to learn a language is repetition over time and looking at/practicing/studying words or structures for 5 to 10 minutes a day will help you way more than an hour long cram session before a test. If you do start to struggle (and you have been practicing, because that is step one) please come see me/contact me so we can figure out some strategies that may work better.

I hope you, too,  are ready and excited to get started this year. Vámonos adelante!

- Señora Sudduth :)